PMV Training


Electrical Courses

Courses designed to safely and analytically evaluate causes of electrical incidents that may cause electric shocks, fatal injury or inflict other damages.

Industrial Area


Our EEHA courses provide students with practical skills and training to select, install, maintain, and inspect electrical equipment in Hazardous Areas, such as gas, dust and explosive atmospheres.

electrical panel

Electrical Instrumentation Courses

PMV training equips students with the knowledge and practical exposure in instrumentation and process automation and control in areas of process control, oil and gas, mineral processing, food, and chemical processing.

renewable energy

Renewable Energy

We offer specialised training in PV Solar Grid-Connect Design & Install with Battery Storage. Our courses focus on solving real world renewable energy scenarios in domestic, industrial, and solar farms.

oil refinery

High Voltage

PMV equips personnel with concepts relating to high voltage installations, including electrical hazards and safety procedures.

oil refinery

Additional Courses for WA

These additional courses are designed to give the participant an edge to enter the oil and gas or mineral industry, along with areas of electrical engineering authority, plant authority and supervisory roles.